Club Facilities

14 West Hamilton Street Club

The 14 West Hamilton Street Club features a second-floor parlor for guests and members to relax and enjoy a beverage, with intimate, as well as flexible communal seating arrangements that allow pleasant conversation to flow naturally. During nice weather, French doors open to a cozy porch overlooking the quiet backyard neighborhood of one of Baltimore’s most historic architectural blocks, leaving the din of Charles Street for the peace of trees and birdsong. Early birds can quietly read the daily newspaper, peruse a select collection of books penned by Club members, or take in a large-scale copy of Edward Sasche’s magnificent 1869 bird’s eye view of Baltimore during the boom years immediately following the end of the Civil War. This space can also be used for meetings, illustrated presentations, and cocktail parties within the comfort of central air conditioning during the warmer months. A full bar station offers guests and members a range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Furniture can be changed to accommodate additional food and beverage stations throughout the room.

Yardley Room
Named for the noted editorial cartoonist Richard Q. “Yoco” Yardley, the club's downstairs dining room features a fine collection of original mid-twentieth-century Baltimore Sun editorial-page salvoes from Yardley and his contemporary at the paper, Edmund Duffy. Duffy's work won him three Pulitzer Prizes in the years before World War II for his attacks on the KKK, lynchings, and the rise of Adolf Hitler. Lighter-hearted in his subject material, Yardley loved to characterize Baltimore politicians and have fun with Maryland topics. This well-appointed room allows seating for up to eight people, offering an ideal space for weekday luncheon meetings and small social gatherings. Traditionally, the club serves a fixed four-course luncheon with wine. Arrangements can be made in advance to tailor the menu to accommodate specific needs.

Main Dining Room
During the day, a naturally bright and cheerful space, in the evening, one tailor-made for traditional dining and socializing, this second-floor room faces old Hamilton Street and features historic prints, antique maps, and other artifacts relating to the history of Baltimore. It also showcases two recent original David Brewster paintings that interpret the city’s historic spaces in a twenty-first-century impressionist manner. The main dining room can comfortably seat from 12 to 26 guests using a variety of custom table arrangements, or accommodate as many as fifty at a self-service buffet, with casual seating available throughout the club's distinguished facilities.